Hi guys.
Just posting this post (lol)
to just announce this amazing movie (it looks like it will be amazing )
The September Issue,
documentary about American Vogue's Editor in chief Anna Wintour and her fashionable-queen-be-life,
and her, I quote, "larger-than-life team of editors creating the issue and ruling the world of fashion" __ http://www.arp.tv/production.html?production=septissue
Voilà :)
jeudi 20 août 2009
Don't give up.
We broke it...
But you. You both.
Love each other.
Help each other through everything.
May be a thousand miles away,
Your love is still there.
No matter what happens, no matter the mistakes you make,
forgive each other,
because forgiving is the only way to make it work.
Let the past be past, and present be present.
Live your life to the max, and don't look back. Have fun, do forbidden things,
create memories, and enjoy the gift of life.
Love is the one and only reason to our journey.
Don't give up on love. Don't give up on life.
Because otherwise, nothing maks sense anymore.
But you. You both.
Love each other.
Help each other through everything.
May be a thousand miles away,
Your love is still there.
No matter what happens, no matter the mistakes you make,
forgive each other,
because forgiving is the only way to make it work.
Let the past be past, and present be present.
Live your life to the max, and don't look back. Have fun, do forbidden things,
create memories, and enjoy the gift of life.
Love is the one and only reason to our journey.
Don't give up on love. Don't give up on life.
Because otherwise, nothing maks sense anymore.
My parents,
mardi 18 août 2009
_-_-_-_-FASHION TIPS-_-_-_-_
1: Its all about being yourself, and wearing what you LIKE, not wearing the latest Gucci underwear just because it costs 300 dollars and is mentionned in Vogue.
2: Accessorizing is a very good way to express yourself.
3: You need to feel comfy in your clothes, it's not about wearing the tightest thongs to look "sexy". (plus, thongs are today rather vulgar, if shown: they're supposed to be practical: you just use them so nobody can tell you're wearing granny pants anymore)
4: Don't just follow fashion to follow it. You're allowed to leave what you don't like, and take what you like, there is no one who will say the opposite!
5: You need to look good not for people first, but for you. So don't wear something you hate just because your boyfriend or your mommy likes it.
6: INVENT fashion. Fashion isn't just designers cutting fur and putting it on people,
you can also make your own fashion!!
7: Follow these tips, and you will feel better = )
lundi 3 août 2009
Lettre d'amour.
Mon amour,
Si tu lis cette lettre en ce moment,
c'est que je suis passée de l'autre côté.
Ma vie passée à tes côtés fut un rêve dont
je n'aurai jamais osé rêver avant de te connaître.
Un homme comme toi,il n'y en a jamais eu et n'en
aura jamais un pareil. La douceur de tes mots, ta présence
si réconfortante auprès de moi chaque jour, chaque matin que
Dieu fit, fut plus que ce que jamais je n'aurai espéré.
Certaines personnes se marrient sans réfléchir à la signification de cette union.
Lorsque je t'ai dit oui, je n'ai pas prononcé les mots "pour toujours" à la légère. J'étais sérieuse et savais que toi et moi, c'était comme le ciel et la terre, une personne on aurait beau marcher des années vers l'horizon, jamais le ciel ne se séparerait du sol.
Il est maintenant temps pour toi de continuer l'aventure seul, bien que je sois à tes côtés sans que tu me voie.
Je t'aime, t'ai toujours aimé et t'aimerai à jamais et pour l'éternité.
Ceci est un fait.
PS: n'oublie pas de donner à manger au chat, Charles!

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